California LID / GI

In this section you can find links and references to low impact development (LID) materials available from other sources, as well as information and tools specifically developed by CASQA and partner organizations to support the California stormwater management community.


Download these frequently asked questions (LID FAQ) (PDF) for some basic information about LID and related topics.

Provides comprehensive updates to standard bioretention designs.

The toolbox provides some of the key practical tools for practicing low impact development from codes and regulations to detailed information on specific applications.

The LID Code Updates section includes information related to a Proposition 84 Stormwater Grant provided by the California State Water Resources Control Board that is a joint effort by CASQA, UC Davis, and the Local Government Commission to remove barriers to LID implementation through code update assistance to municipalities, providing LID training, creating awareness about LID to elected officials, and developing information about potential funding options.

This manual was prepared for the Southern California Stormwater Monitoring Coalition (SMC), in cooperation with the State Water Board, by the Low Impact Development Center, Inc., with funding from CASQA and SMC member agencies.

Trainings on low impact development are happening on an increasingly regular basis. See some of the most significant trainings here.

As a popular BMP strategy, LID efforts are making news on a regular basis. See some of the most recent and significant stories in this section.

Low impact development is the subject of many events from webcasts and one-day meetings to multi-day conferences. Find links to key presentations here.

There are a few key agencies, organizations, and collaborative efforts leading the way on low impact development. Find links to their websites here.