Programs & Tracks
Celebrating Milestones: Taking the Next Steps for Stormwater
Conference Dates: October 24-26, 2022
Technical Program
The 2022 Technical Program comprises conference thematic sessions with 134 technical presentations, 18 panels, and 3 training workshops in the 14 tracks listed below. For further details, the online conference agenda provides an up-to-date hourly view of the program, speakers, and panelists.
CASQA 2022 Conference Program (PDF) (agenda as of 10.11.2022)
- Provided onsite in the attendee packets
- Due to the printing deadline the printed conference program does not include changes made in the last few weeks before the conference begins.
Poster Session
The posters will be displayed throughout the conference.
In the 35 years since the Clean Water Act was amended to add stormwater and with the leadership of CASQA for the last 20 years, this track will focus on accomplishments in stormwater in California, the future of stormwater management, and ideas for how we can get there.
50 Years: Clean Water Act (1972)
35 years: Clean Water Act Amendments (1987)
20 Years: CASQA Established (2002)
BMP Effectiveness
This track will focus on advances in BMP effectiveness assessment, including effectiveness monitoring or benchtop special studies, innovative assessment methods, and lessons learned.
Construction General Permit
This track will focus on both the 2009 and the new 2022 CGP and will include discussion of proven strategies to resolve construction stormwater challenges: innovative BMPs and controls; TMDL implementation; challenges and solutions to site management; implementing cost controls; resolving monitoring and sampling issues; and dealing with the challenges of linear underground and overhead projects.
Equity and Environmental Justice
This track will focus on how we identify the connections between the business of water management and its direct and indirect impact on underserved communities. Included will be discussions of current programs, lessons learned, and how to bring diversity, equity, and inclusion into all aspects of our work in stormwater communities.
This track will address stormwater program and infrastructure funding and financing, including asset management (both tracking for capitalization and schedule for replacing aging infrastructure), its role in full stormwater program integration, and funding and financing mechanisms that may be available to the regulated community.
Industrial General Permit
This track will cover various aspects of the Industrial General Permit such as pollutant source assessments, monitoring and reporting, Exceedance Response Action requirements, best management practices (BMPs), Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), water quality based corrective actions, compliance options, permit participation initiatives (e.g., SB 205), and Clean Water Act citizen lawsuits.
Modeling and Data Tools
This track will focus on modeling of all types, including hydrologic, water quality, and geographic information systems (GIS). Innovative data collection, visualization, assessment tools, and quantification methods and metrics will be presented, including how data tools from other industries may be used in the stormwater arena.
Monitoring and Special Studies
This track will highlight innovations in monitoring or monitoring programs and the development and implementation of special studies.
Municipal Programs
This track will focus on the challenges and solutions to implementing a municipal stormwater program for both Phase I and Phase II agencies and cover emerging issues for municipalities such as planning activities for permit compliance, workforce development, operations and maintenance, permanent post-construction BMPs, monitoring program challenges and unique solutions, and transient encampments.
Outreach, Engagement, and Education
This track will share experiences creating and implementing innovative stormwater outreach campaigns, building community to foster a sense of stewardship, using social media as an outreach tool, reaching school-age children with programs in and out of the classroom, and measuring effectiveness of outreach and education efforts.
Pollutants of Concern
This track will focus on statewide priority pollutants, in addition to contaminants of emerging concern (CECs): what we know or don’t know or need to learn, upcoming regulatory changes that may impact the stormwater community, and new advances in science that allow us to measure or characterize both human and environmental risk related to emerging contaminants including trash, mercury, pesticides, biostimulatory, microplastics, and other CECs.
Regulatory and Legislation
This track will provide a forum for updates from regulators, discussions of future policy and legislative initiatives, newly enacted legislation and its impacts on stormwater, examples of innovative ways that regulatory obligations can be met, and updates from legal experts.
Resiliency and Sustainability
This track will look at sustainable practices, legal requirements and barriers, opportunities for collaboration, and programs that connect stormwater and other environmental sectors. Important topics such as water supply, water rights, groundwater recharge, Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) planning, energy, watershed management, resiliency planning, wildfire planning, and climate change will be discussed.
Stormwater Capture, Use, and Green Infrastructure
This track will highlight examples of physical infrastructure for improving stormwater runoff quality, protecting natural channels from hydromodification, preventing flood impacts to property, recharging groundwater supplies, permanent post-construction BMPs, and stormwater capture and use. It will focus on pilot studies, design lessons learned, operation and maintenance challenges / solutions, and adaptability after installation.