Board of Directors & Committees
CASQA is governed by an 11-member Board of Directors, consisting of 8 representatives from MS4s (organizations that hold an MS4 permit) and 3 representatives from non-MS4s (organizations that do not hold an MS4 permit). Directors are elected by the voting membership (organizations that hold an NPDES stormwater permit) and serve a two-year term, with a maximum of three consecutive terms.
Key Documents
- Board of Directors Contact Information (Jan 2025)
- Board of Directors and Associated Terms (Jan 2025)
Board of Directors

Rob Carson
Rob Carson is the program manager for the Marin Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program representing 12 municipal permittees under the statewide small MS4 general permit implementing the full range of permit compliance projects and programs. He has worked with municipal stormwater programs in the Bay Area since 2012 and before that managed water quality monitoring programs for a non-profit and the National Park Service. Rob is a Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality and a Qualified SWPPP Developer and holds a master’s degree in biology from Columbia University. He has served as a co-chair of the CASQA phase II subcommittee starting in 2020.

Ann Fletcher
Ann Fletcher is the Stormwater Program Coordinator for the County of San Luis Obispo and directs implementation of the County’s Phase II Municipal General Permit. Ann has a B.S. in Ecology and Systematic Biology from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and over 15 years of professional experience across a variety of surface water quality and coastal ecology projects. Prior to joining the public sector, she worked as an environmental scientist in the private and nonprofit sectors. She holds professional certifications to perform the duties of CPESC, QSD, QSP and QISP.

Amanda Carr
Amanda Carr is the Deputy Director for OC Environmental Resources, OC Public Works at the County of Orange. In this role she oversees the OC Stormwater Program, a collaborative compliance program lead by the County in partnership with the Orange County Flood Control District and 34 cities in Orange County, the OC Mitigation Program and two Integrated Regional Watershed Management (IRWM) Committees. She has served in this capacity since 2016 and has worked in various stormwater roles at the County and City of Irvine since 2002. Amanda received her M.S. in Environmental Science and an M.P.A in Environmental Policy and Natural Resource Management from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University.

Christine Tolchin
Christine Tolchin is the Group Program Manager for the County of San Diego Watershed Protection Program. She oversees Watershed policy, program planning, MS4 reporting, stormwater compliance, and collaboration between the 21 Copermittees and other agencies in the San Diego region. She has worked on stormwater and conservation programs in San Diego County since 2005. Christine is a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control, a Qualified SWPPP Developer, a Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioner, a Certified Project Manager, and holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Biological Sciences.

Reid Bogert
Reid Bogert is the Stormwater Program Director for the San Mateo Countywide Water Pollution Prevention Program, a program of the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County. Reid supports the 21 municipalities in San Mateo County and the San Mateo County Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency District comply with the San Francisco Bay Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit and focuses on advancing multi-benefit green stormwater infrastructure and sustainable stormwater management initiatives throughout the county. Reid comes from a background in sustainability and conservation, and has worked on stormwater programs in the Bay Area and in Chicago, where he completed his master’s in Environmental Science and Policy from the University of Chicago.

Ashli Desai
Ashli is the President of Larry Walker Associates, an environmental engineering and science consulting firm specializing in water resources management. She has over 20 years of experience in assisting public agencies with Total Maximum Daily Loads, watershed planning, and stormwater management. Ashli supports municipalities in their efforts to address stormwater-related permitting and programmatic issues through an understanding of the interface between robust science, engineering, and emerging policy. Ashli received her B.S. in Earth Systems, Environmental Technology and M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering and Science from Stanford University.

Dalia Fadl
Dalia has a B.S. in Civil & Environmental Engineering from UC Berkeley and over 16 years of experience working as an engineer in the stormwater management and regulatory fields. In her current role, Dalia manages the Stormwater Division in the City of Rancho Cordova’s Public Works Department. Dalia has extensive knowledge and experience with stormwater quality regulations and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit compliance. She is a registered engineer in the State of California.

Brendan Ferry
Brendan is a Deputy Director for El Dorado County. He has worked professionally in the Tahoe Basin for the past 22 years, primarily focused in the water quality arena. Among his multitude of responsibilities, Brendan manages the County’s storm water program, which spans the Sierra Nevada mountains and includes a Phase I NPDES Permit in the Tahoe Basin in Region 6 and a Phase II NPDES Permit on the West Slope in Region 5. He has been a member of the International Erosion Control Association (IECA) since 2004 and a member of CASQA since 2013. Brendan holds CPESC, CPSWQ and QSD certifications.

Thuan Nguyen
Thuan Nguyen is a Senior Civil Engineer for the Los Angeles County Public Works, Stormwater Quality Division. He has worked for the County of Los Angeles since 2007, and in his current role, he manages the planning and implementation of stormwater capture projects and programs for the Unincorporated County of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County Flood Control District that aim to improve water quality, increase water supply, and enhance communities. Thuan also represents the County in the Upper Los Angeles River Watershed Management group to develop collaborative strategies to meet MS4 Permit and TMDL requirements.

Chris Sommers
Chris is a Vice President at EOA, Inc., a small environmental engineering and science consulting firm based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Chris has over 20 years of experience assisting California public agencies in stormwater and watershed management, with a focus on municipal stormwater, water quality monitoring, watershed assessment, Total Maximum Daily Loads, pollutant control programs, and program effectiveness evaluation. Chris holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental science from Indiana University and a Master of Science degree from Humboldt State University in Natural Resources Management.

Melanie Sotelo
Melanie is an Associate Director of Environmental Services at CASC Engineering and Consulting, a civil and environmental engineering firm located in Southern California. Melanie has over 15 years of Phase I and Phase II stormwater program management experience, and has served as a consultant Stormwater Program Manager for a municipality in the Whitewater River Watershed since 2016. Additionally, Melanie has served as the Co-Chair of the Construction Subcommittee for the past several years. Melanie holds a B.S. in Environmental Science and M.S. in Environmental Engineering Systems from U.C. Riverside.
The Board of Directors establishes committees to implement its duties of strategic direction and fiduciary oversight. Each Committee is comprised of Directors and other non-Directors appointed by the Board.
Ensures the annual audit is prepared.
Chair: Rob Carson
Vice Chair: Amanda Carr
Implements the CASQA Awards Program. Identifies and recognizes exemplary leadership, outstanding projects, activities, and contributions to the field of stormwater management.
Chair: Christine Tolchin
Vice Chair: Melanie Sotelo
Events and Communications
Advances the educational aspects of our Vision Statement, including the Annual Conference and Seminar Series.
Chair: Melane Sotelo
Vice Chair: Christine Tolchin
Executive Program
Provides programmatic collaboration to achieve the Strategic Plan and Vision implementation.
Chair: Ann Fletcher
Vice Chair: Ashli Desai
Provides fiduciary oversight.
Chair: Amanda Carr
Vice Chair: Thaun Nguyen
Implements general governance responsibilities (Executive Director review and compensation, Bylaws updates, Board development).
Chair: Rob Carson
Vice Chair: Chris Sommers
Advises on legislative positions.
Chair: Dalia Fadl
Vice Chair: Brendan Ferry
Ensures robust membership to support the organization.
Chair: Chris Sommers
Vice Chair: Reid Bogert
Strategic Planning
Advises the Board of Directors on the strategic direction of CASQA and supports the implementation of the Strategic Plan and Vision.
Chair: Ashli Desai
Vice Chair: Brendan Ferry
As a Friend of CASQA, individuals will be recognized on the CASQA website and in the Annual Report for their tax-deductible contribution to support our programs and mission for sustainable stormwater management. #CASQAtogether