
CASQA’s subcommittees provide a forum for engaged learning and solution building and are a tremendous resource for the stormwater community. Through our subcommittees, CASQA members and partners work together to achieve common goals by sharing knowledge, ideas, and best practices.

Get Involved

Do you want to know more about key aspects of stormwater management? Do you want to keep up to date on regulatory or legislative issues? Then we encourage you to get involved in one of CASQA’s subcommittees and work with outstanding colleagues on challenging issues!

Please note that certain subcommittees are restricted to members and invited guests only: Construction, Industrial, Legislation, Phase II, Policy and Permitting. All other subcommittees are open to all.

Subcommittee Leadership

In partnership with CASQA staff, each subcommittee is led by a team of two co-chairs. Serving as a co-chair is an excellent leadership opportunity for CASQA members, where they not only support CASQA’s mission, but also develop professionally as they work side-by-side with some of the most talented and engaged individuals in stormwater. All co-chairs also serve on CASQA’s Executive Program Committee. Each fall, CASQA releases a call for nominations for open chair positions and appointments are made by the Board of Directors in December. View the current list of co-chairs and their terms:

Subcommittee Descriptions

BMP Effectiveness Assessment

Focuses on the goals and objectives detailed in Action 1.3 of CASQA’s Vision to maximize effectiveness of BMPs, green stormwater infrastructure, and low impact development.

  • CASQA Staff: Joseph Draper, Program Manager
  • Co-Chairs:
    • Frank Cheng, Los Angeles County Public Works
    • Tony Hancock, Black & Veatch

BMP Handbooks

Provides contemporary information on BMPs primarily through the BMP Handbooks.

  • CASQA Staff: Program Manager
  • Co-Chairs:
    • John Heltzel, Office of Water Programs at Sacramento State
    • Kadi Whiteside, Southern California Edison


Plans CASQA’s Annual Conference as the industry standard educational event for the stormwater community in California.

  • CASQA Staff: Amy Porter, Events and Website Manager
  • Co-Chairs:
    • Andrea Crumpacker, Stantec
    • Brenda Ponton, Woodard & Curran


Identifies emerging issues and tracks trends and regulatory requirements for construction stormwater permittees; assists members with identifying possible solutions to evolving regulatory requirements. Participation is limited to CASQA members.

  • CASQA Staff: Joseph Draper, Program Manager
  • Co-Chairs:
    • Andrew Sidor, Michael Baker International
    • Lucy Cortez-Johnson, Southern California Edison

Engagement and Education

Provides a forum for stormwater public outreach professionals to share ideas; assists in coordinating outreach efforts in California.

  • CASQA Staff: Joseph Draper, Program Manager
  • Co-Chairs:
    • Nick Sudano, City of Santa Rosa
    • Christy Suppes, County of Orange


Focuses on the goals and objectives detailed in Principle 4 of CASQA’s Vision to develop the significant financial resources necessary for sustainable stormwater management, including determining the resource needs for sustainable stormwater programs, developing a dedicated funding source for stormwater, and increasing supplemental funding opportunities.

  • CASQA Staff: Karen Cowan, Executive Director
  • Co-Chairs:
    • Beatrice Musacchia, County of Orange
    • Bryn Evans, Craftwater Engineering


The Industrial Subcommittee provides a forum for permittees and consultants to engage with experts in the field. During permit reissuance, this subcommittee is a vital resource where permittees work collaboratively to identify recommendations and solutions, resulting in a powerful, integrated voice. During permit implementation, this subcommittee provides a venue for information sharing, supporting permittees in complying with the Industrial General Permit, and most importantly, achieving the goals for the protection of water quality. Participation is limited to CASQA members.

  • CASQA Staff: Program Manager
  • Co-Chairs:
    • Laura Carpenter, Brown and Caldwell
    • Mehran Ebrahimi, GSI Environmental Inc.


Tracks and discusses stormwater-related legislation in the California State Senate and Assembly. Prepares fact sheets on key legislation that can be used by members to educate their organizations about potential impact of proposed legislation. Participation is limited to CASQA members.

  • CASQA Staff: Karen Cowan, Executive Director
  • Co-Chairs:
    • Andy Rodgers, Russian River Watershed Association
    • Brian Sanders, City of Sacramento

Monitoring and Science

Improves scientific and technical basis of stormwater management programs by developing research and monitoring priorities, and seeking collaborators, partners, and grant funding for needed research.

  • CASQA Staff: Joseph Draper, Program Manager
  • Co-Chairs:
    • Jian Peng, AtkinsRealis
    • Bonnie de Berry, EOA, Inc.

Phase II

Seeks to educate and engage Phase II programs, both traditional and non-traditional, in stormwater management issues; provides a forum for information exchange. Participation is limited to CASQA members.

  • CASQA Staff: Program Manager
  • Co-Chairs:
    • Erin Maker, City of Carpinteria
    • Colleen Hunt, Stone Creek Environmental Consulting, LLC

Policy and Permitting

Provides a forum for CASQA members to discuss and track key regulatory issues related to stormwater management at both the state and federal level. Develops comment letters and testimony. Participation is limited to CASQA members.

  • CASQA Staff: Karen Cowan, Executive Director
  • Co-Chairs:
    • Lisa Moretti, City of Sacramento
    • Ryan Kearns, Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District

Stormwater Capture and Use

Focuses on the goals and objectives detailed in Action 1.1 of CASQA’s Vision to maximize stormwater capture, including determining the economic value of stormwater, evaluating water rights, establishing partnerships with other water resource agencies, developing strategies to address climate change, and more.

  • CASQA Staff: Joseph Draper, Program Manager
  • Co-Chairs:
    • James Downing, Santa Clara Valley Water District
    • Jim Rasmus, Stantec

True Source Control

Focuses on the goals and objectives detailed in Action 1.2 of CASQA’s Vision to minimize pollution at the source. Current true source control activities include efforts to reduce toxicity from current use pesticides, concentrations of copper in brake pads, and concentrations of zinc in tires. This subcommittee will also evaluate other potential true source control options for other priority water quality issues (e.g., trash, bacteria).

  • CASQA Staff: Joseph Draper, Program Manager
  • Co-Chairs:
    • Peter Schultze-Allen, EOA, Inc.
    • Vicki Kalkirtz, City of San Diego
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