Call for Abstracts

The CASQA Annual Conference is the industry standard educational event for the stormwater community in California featuring in-depth discussions and training addressing a wide range of challenges and opportunities. Each year we are fortunate to receive many abstract submissions for review and selection by a team of stormwater professionals. We encourage you to submit an abstract for a technical presentation, panel, training workshop, or poster!

2024 Call for Abstracts Now Closed
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Call for Abstracts and Submittal Instructions

We welcome your abstract submission for the CASQA 2024 Annual Conference. The Call for Abstracts is open to submissions for technical presentations, panels, training workshops, and posters. Submissions will be reviewed by track-specific review teams of stormwater professionals.

Abstract submissions must be in accordance with the requirements in the CASQA 2024 Call for Abstracts: Information and Requirements (PDF). We reserve the right to reject incomplete submissions.

Note: If you are planning to submit a project for a CASQA Award this year and want to be considered for a conference presentation, an abstract must be submitted during the Call for Abstracts period. See details below under For Potential 2024 CASQA Awardees.

Key Dates

  • Submittal Period Open: April 9, 2024
  • Submittal Deadline: Monday May 20, 2024 at 12:00 NOON Pacific
    • IMPORTANT: Allow plenty of time to complete the online abstract submittal form. Do not wait until 11:30am on the last day! Abstracts not submitted by the deadline will not be reviewed or selected.
  • Selection Notification: Week of July 15, 2024
    • CASQA will email selection results (both selected and not-selected) to the abstract submitters.
    • At the discretion of the Conference Program Team, abstracts may be selected for a different track, presentation/session type, or length than as submitted.
    • Following selection notifications, further instructions will be sent to the selected speakers, panelists, and poster presenters.

Submittal Instructions

The abstract submitter must be one of the following depending on the presentation type for which you are submitting:

Primary Speaker – For a Technical Presentation submission
Moderator – For a Panel or Training Workshop submission
Poster Presenter – For a Poster submission

Steps to Submit an Abstract

The following are the sole basis for selection; supplemental data will not be accepted:

1. Complete the CASQA-Provided Abstract Template (per presentation / session type)

Abstract submitters must complete the CASQA-provided abstract template and upload it as a .pdf to the online abstract submittal form. To download, select the correct abstract template per the presentation / session type for which you are submitting an abstract:

2. Submit the Annual Conference Abstract Submittal Form (per presentation / session type)

There are four online abstract submittal forms based on the presentation / session type for which you are submitting an abstract. To go to the correct submittal form click one of these options:

NOTE: The 2024 submittal period has ended and the links have been removed.

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Additional Information

  • For Potential 2024 CASQA Awardees
  • Speaker / Panelist / Poster Presenter Registration