Conference Overview

We look forward to seeing you October 21-23, 2024 in Sacramento at the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center for our 20th CASQA Annual Conference!

Conference Theme – CASQA 2024: Inspiring Solutions Together

Over the past twenty years, CASQA has created a space where the preeminent thought leaders in California gather to share ideas, engage in community, and drive forward the evolution of sustainable stormwater management. Our theme for CASQA 2024, Inspiring Solutions Together, captures the core qualities that make CASQA and our annual conference exceptional. We inspire each other. We focus on solutions. And we do this critically important work together.

We invite you to be part of this collective experience, where your knowledge, expertise, and passion can contribute to shaping the next wave of stormwater solutions in California and beyond. Together, we can inspire change and make a lasting impact.

Publications & Conference Agenda

CASQA 2024 Registration Brochure (PDF) (includes the agenda) – pending (will be posted circa late July 2024)

CASQA 2024 Conference Program (PDF) (includes the agenda) – pending (will be posted in October 2024)
Note: The conference program, which is also printed and provided to attendees upon check-in, does not include changes after the print deadline (a few weeks before the conference start date).

2024 Conference Program Information

Spacing: small
  • Highlights
  • Daily Summary
  • Technical Program – Track Descriptions
  • Plenary Session Keynote Speaker: Letitia Grenier

    Director – Water Policy Center and Senior Fellow, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC)

    Capstone Session Panelists: Pending