Hotel & Travel
On this page you can find details about the conference location, hotel rates and reservations, as well as nearby airport and transportation options.
This page will be updated for the 2025 conference as more information becomes available.
Alert to Exhibitors: Notification Regarding Housing Service Companies
CASQA has been made aware of a few service providers (LPT Launch Pad Travel, Exhibitors Housing Management, Exhibitor and Conference Services) that have contacted some of our conference exhibitors to offer hotel reservation services. These organizations do not represent CASQA, nor has CASQA authorized them to use our name, logo, or trademark on information they may send to exhibitors or other registrants. To book your hotel room please use our special links to the CASQA Conference Attendee Group Room Blocks as provided below. Reservations made through any other housing services company cannot be guaranteed by CASQA and could result in additional charges, incorrect hotel placement, or inflated room rates for CASQA conference participants.