Program Ad Purchase
Placing an ad in the CASQA Conference Program is a great way to support CASQA while reaching a large audience of stormwater professionals. The program will be provided onsite to conference attendees (print) and posted on the CASQA website (PDF).
Purchasing will open in mid-April.
Deadline to Purchase Ad Space
Wednesday, July 30, 2025 at 5pm Pacific
Purchase Details
Review the options and rates below then click the green Purchase Conference Program Ad Space button. Credit card is the only payment option. We do not accept check payments.
Note: These rates are for advertisers who are not conference sponsors.
- Full Page: $800
- Half Page: $500
- Quarter Page: $300
CASQA’s Policy and Procedures for Advertising and Sponsorship
It is prohibited for the advertiser/sponsor to state or infer, including by the use of CASQA’s name, logos, or otherwise, any endorsement by CASQA of their product or service through CASQA or any other form of advertising. This policy shall not preclude CASQA Members from including factual statements, such as “Member of the California Stormwater Quality Association” or “CASQA 2025 Conference.”
Advertisement Requirements
AD ARTWORK SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: Friday, August 1, 2025 (email: April Krieg)