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System for Urban Stormwater Treatment and Analysis Integration (SUSTAIN) allows watershed and stormwater practitioners to develop, evaluate, and select optimal best management practice (BMP) combinations at various watershed scales based on cost and effectiveness.

SUSTAIN can simulate baseline watershed conditions or refer to output from another watershed model. SUSTAIN can evaluate pollutant load removal from BMPs including structural BMPs and street sweeping. Nonstructural BMPs (downspout disconnections, irrigation reductions, turf conversions, etc.) and structural BMPs beyond the default options may be simulated through manipulation of default variables and BMP reconfigurations made by the user. Beyond simulating baseline conditions and conditions post-BMP implementation, this tool can be used as an optimization tool to compare performance and cost data for various BMPs and their placement scenarios.

Intended User: Expertise in stormwater modeling is recommended.

Geographic focus: Model is designed to simulate any watershed, provided the user selects or enters the appropriate input information.

Scale: Lot scale to watershed

Developer: EPA. Contact Michelle Simon at 513-569-7469

  • How are source contributions estimated?
  • How is pollutant load removal estimated?
  • What does the user need to input?
  • What can the user expect as outputs?
  • Considerations
  • Additional Features