- Outstanding Service & Partnership
Outstanding Service & Partnership
CASQA annually recognizes and expresses its appreciation to CASQA members who have gone above and beyond in providing outstanding volunteer service to the organization as well as those partners and collaborators whose contributions have had a significant impact on advancing our shared common goals.
Congratulations to our Outstanding Awardees!
Outstanding Service
Construction General Permit Training Team: Development of QSP Delegate Training Guidelines & PowerPoint Modules
Shawnetta Grandberry, City of Carlsbad
Lucy Cortez-Johnson, Southern California Edison
Jennifer Peterson, NV5
Kadi Whiteside, Southern California Edison
Ken Kristoffersen, CAL-Storm Compliance, Inc.
Kyla Wood, Applied Polymer Systems, Inc.
Matt Hromatka, Sierra Overhead Analytics
Stacy Sinclair, Flat Iron Construction
Sandy Mathews, Larry Walker Associates
Russel Foster, J.F. Shea Company, Inc.
Construction General Permit Training Team: Initiating 2022 Construction General Permit QSD/QSP Curriculum Update (Project to be complete in 2025)
Sandy Mathews, Larry Walker Associates
Construction General Permit Training Team: Development of Criteria for Recommending Additional QSD and QSP Prerequisite Courses (State Water Resources Control Board publication)
Brian Currier, Office of Water Programs at Sacramento State
Russel Foster, J.F. Shea Company, Inc.
Economic Value of Urban Stormwater Capture Project
Jim Rasmus, Stantec
Milestone Leadership for the Annual Conference (20th)
Karen Ashby, Larry Walker Associates (Exhibitor Coordinator)
Chris Crompton, Michael Baker International (Advance Conference Planning)
Sharon Gosselin, Alameda County (Co-Chair, Program Coordinator)
Subcommittee Leadership
Matt Yeager, Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District
Board Leadership
Dalia Fadl, City of Rancho Cordova (6 years)
Ashli Desai, Larry Walker Associates (Strategic Plan, Financial Strategy)
Outstanding Partnership
Construction General Permit Training Team
Rich Muhl, Central Valley Regional Water Board
Lifetime Collaboration and Engagement
Tom Mumley, San Francisco Bay Regional Water Board
Outstanding Service
Increasing CASQA Membership (Los Angeles Region)
Mark Lombos, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works
TJ Moon, Los Angeles County Department of Public Works
Developing CASQA’s Public Education Campaign: Rain Ready California
Jeanette Huddleston, Sacramento County
Jenna Voss, County of Orange
Taraneh Nik-Khah, City of Los Angeles
Leading the Update to CASQA’s Construction BMP Handbook in Response to the 2022 CGP
John Heltzel, Office of Water Programs at Sacramento State
Kadi Whiteside, Southern California Edison
Construction General Permit Training Team: Modifying the Construction General Permit Training Program
Daniel Apt, Olaunu
Jeff Endicott, CASC Engineering and Consulting, Inc.
Russ Foster, J.F. Shea Company, Inc.
Shawnetta Grandberry, City of Carlsbad
Mark Grey, Construction Industry Coalition on Water Quality
John Heltzel, Office of Water Programs at Sacramento State
Matt Hromatka, Sierra Overhead Analytics
Sandy Mathews, Larry Walker Associates
Gerry Montgomery, SWPPQUEEN Inc.
Andrew Sidor, Michael Baker International
Melanie Sotelo, CASC Engineering and Consulting, Inc.
Kadi Whiteside, Southern California Edison
Subcommittee Leadership
Jeanette Huddleston, Sacramento County (6 years)
Patrick Kuga, Michael Baker International
Board Leadership
Richard Boon, Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District (Cumulatively 12 years – two 6-year terms)
Amanda Carr, County of Orange (6 years; 2 years as Chair)
Dalia Fadl, City of Rancho Cordova (2 years as Chair)
Outstanding Partnership
Modifying the Construction General Permit Training Program
Amy Kronson, State Water Resources Control Board
Brandon Roosenboom, State Water Resources Control Board
Cathleen Garnand
6 years of service on the Board of Directors; 5 years as Membership Committee Chair
Rebekah Guill
6 Years of impactful service as Co-Chair of the Monitoring and Science Subcommittee
Vicki Kalkirtz
Outstanding work on true source control initiatives, including presentation to the League of Cities
Dave Tamayo
6 years of service on the Board of Directors; Pesticides Subcommittee Co-Chair / Pesticides Lead
Kadi Whiteside
6 Years of impactful service as Co-Chair of the Construction Subcommittee
Karen Ashby, Richard Boon, Brian Currier
Development and implementation of the CASQA Fellowship Program
Jodie Crandell, Mehran Ebrahimi, TJ Mothersbaugh, Elliott Ripley, Wayne Rosenbaum
Development of the Water Quality Based Corrective Action Report Template for the Industrial and Commercial BMP Handbook: Development of the Water Quality Based Corrective Action Report Template for the Industrial and Commercial BMP Handbook
Alejandra Gavaldon, Hawkeye Sheene
Outstanding service in redeveloping and relaunching CASQA’s Legislation Subcommittee
Jeanette Huddleston, Jenna Voss
Leading CASQA’s public education initiative to increase awareness that stormwater is a resource
Fred Krieger
Leading CASQA’s zinc petition; Outstanding service for the development of the Water Quality NewsFlash
Mark Lombos
Service and leadership as a Director
Jian Peng
Representing CASQA in the Ceriodaphnia special studies effort
Richard Watson
Leading CASQA’s zinc petition
Tanya Bilezikjian, Sandy Mathews, Dave Mercier
Construction Subcommittee (supporting the CGP Reissuance, public testimony, and CASQA’s CGP Workshop)
Joseph Draper, Jim Rasmus
Development of a grant proposal to define the economic value of stormwater
Jeanette Huddleston, Jenna Voss
Leading CASQA’s public education initiative to increase awareness that stormwater is a resource
Melanie Sotelo, Kadi Whiteside
Leading CASQA’s efforts on the Construction General Permit Reissuance
Daniel Apt
Completing 6 years of service (max term limit) on the Board of Directors and 2 years as Chair of the Board
Lisa Austin, Sharon Gosselin
Serving as a conference co-chair in 2019, 2017, and 2015
Tanya Bilezikjian
Serving as a conference co-chair in 2018, 2016, and 2014
Brian Currier
Completing 6 years of service (max term limit) on the Board of Directors
Kristina Hysler
Transitioning the annual conference to a virtual format in 2020
Lisa Skutecki
Transitioning the annual conference to a virtual format in 2020; Serving as a conference co-chair in 2016, 2018, 2020
Dave Tamayo
Pesticides Subcommittee Co-Chair; Supporting the development of the Urban Pesticides Amendments; Briefings to MS4 programs on the Urban Pesticides Amendments
Matt Yeager
Policy & Permitting Subcommittee Co-Chair; Assisting with projects to implement CASQA’s priorities; Coordinating CASQA’s comment letters and testimony
Karen Ashby
Development of Guidance for Trash Implementation Plans; Development and implementation of the CASQA Conference Scholarship Program
Jill Bicknell
Completing six years of service (max term limit) on the Board of Directors; Second time as a Director (12 years total service to the Board); Two years as Board Chair
Richard Boon
Development and implementation of the CASQA Conference Scholarship Program
Brian Currier
Development and implementation of the CASQA Conference Scholarship Program; Launch of the CASQA Podcast
Kathleen Harrison
Update to the QISP online training content for the IGP
Jeremy Laurin
HUC-10 Guidance document; Magnesium White Paper
Matt Lentz
HUC-10 Guidance document; Magnesium White Paper; Update to the QISP online training content for the IGP
Sandy Mathews
Completing six years of service (max term limit) on the Board of Directors; Second time as a Director (12 years total service to the Board); Two years as Board Secretary
Stephanie Reyna-Hiestand
Completing six years of service (max term limit) on the Board of Directors; Two years as Board Treasurer
Armand Ruby
Stormwater Representative – Water Quality Monitoring Council – 10 years
Lisa Skutecki
Development and launch of the CASQA Podcast
Dave Tamayo
Supporting the development of the Urban Pesticides Amendments; Briefings to MS4 programs on the Urban Pesticides Amendments
Richard Watson
CASQA’s petition to DTSC for Zinc in Tires
Matt Yeager
Outstanding service as a subcommittee co-chair; Assisting with launching four new CASQA projects to implement CASQA’s priorities; Coordinating CASQA’s comment letters and testimony
Cathleen Garnand
Leadership on the Good Housekeeping video series; leadership of the Membership Committee
Cory Jones
BMP Subcommittee
Michael Yang
Efforts to complete updates to the BMP Handbooks
Rachael Keish
Leadership of the Non-Traditional Phase II workgroup and establishment of a new CASQA Subcommittee; coordination and outreach efforts to schools
Matt Lentz
Presentation to National Academies Multi-Sector General Permit Panel on CASQA’s behalf
Kim Porter
Leadership within the Phase II community and mentoring a new Subcommittee Co-Chair
Dave Tamayo
Efforts to develop comment letters and the Annual Report for the Pesticides Subcommittee
Richard Watson
Lead the development of a petition to the Department of Toxics Substances Control (DTSC) regarding impact of zinc in tires
Daniel Apt
Construction General Permit Training Program and Industrial General Permit Training Program
Karen Ashby
Effectiveness Assessment Subcommittee and State Trash Amendments Advisory Committee
Cathleen Garnand
Municipal Good Housekeeping Video Project
Anna Lantin
BMP Subcommittee (10 years)
Jeremy Laurin, Matt Lentz
Industrial Subcommittee
Amy Porter
CASQA Events Manager & Website Manager
Kim Porter
Phase II Subcommittee
Dave Tamayo
Pesticides Subcommittee and STORMS Framework for Urban Pesticide Reduction
Daniel Apt
Industrial General Permit Training Program
Karen Ashby
Effectiveness Assessment Subcommittee and State Trash Amendments Advisory Committee
Chris Crompton
Advance conference planning
Brian Currier
Industrial General Permit Training Program
Jeff Endicott
CASQA Awards Program
Rachel Keish
Non-traditional Work Group: Phase II Subcommittee
Darcy Kuenzi
Legislative Update
Anna Lantin
BMP Subcommittee and State Trash Amendments Advisory Committee
Dave Tamayo
Pesticides Subcommittee and STORMS Framework for Urban Pesticide Reduction
Matt Lentz, Katharine Wagner
Industrial Subcommittee
Jamison Crosby, Cathleen Garnand
Phase II Subcommittee
Scott Taylor
Policy & Permitting Subcommittee
Daniel Apt, Brian Currier
Training Subcommittee
Ashli Desai, Ewelina Mutkowska
Nutrient Objectives Stakeholder Advisory Group Representatives
Armand Ruby
Water Quality Monitoring Council Representative
Anna Lantin
BMP Subcommittee and production of the Industrial & Commercial BMP Online Handbook
Karen Ashby, Brian Currier, David Pohl, Scott Taylor, Jon Van Rhyn
Effectiveness Assessment Subcommittee and update of the Effectiveness Assessment Manual
Matt Lentz, Katharine Wagner
Industrial Subcommittee and review / engagement on Industrial General Permit
Kelly Moran, Dave Tamayo
Pesticides Subcommittee and engagement with DPR and EPA to change the regulation of pesticides to protect surface water quality
Jamison Crosby, Cathleen Garnand
Phase II Subcommittee
Daniel Apt
Construction General Permit Training Team – Trainer of Record qualification
Matt Lentz, Katharine Wagner
Industrial Subcommittee and review / engagement on Industrial General Permit
Jamison Crosby, Kelly Moran, Dave Tamayo, Armand Ruby
Pesticides Subcommittee
Jamison Crosby, Terri Fashing, Cathleen Garnand, Rebecca Winer-Skonovd
Phase II Subcommittee and review / engagement / implementation of Small MS4 General Permit
Sharon Gosselin, Stephanie Reyna-Hiestand
Website Subcommittee