Our Water, Our World
Our Water, Our World (OWOW) is an award-winning partnership between city- and county-based water pollution prevention agencies and garden centers and hardware stores that sell pest control products.

Initiated in 1998, the program focuses on less-toxic, eco-friendly products and techniques as many common pesticides are harmful to sensitive species and ecosystems when they reach local creeks, bays, and the ocean. From a stormwater management perspective, Our Water, Our World is an excellent opportunity and cost-efficient way to educate the public and reduce toxicity in waterways from current use pesticides. Several municipalities utilize OWOW to meet permit requirements, including the Bay Area Municipal Regional Permit, the Central Valley Region-wide MS4 Permit, and the Phase II – Small MS4 General Permit.
Program Elements
Our Water, Our World directly reaches consumers at the point of sale and consists of several program elements, all of which are integral to the effectiveness of the program.
Steps To Implement the Program in Your Community
1. Become a CASQA Member
To participate in the Our Water, Our World program, you must be a current Phase I or Phase II CASQA member. If you are not yet a CASQA member first join here.
2. Subscribe to Our Water, Our World (1 year term, renew annually)
By subscribing, you collectively support the basic and central services necessary to operate and maintain the Our Water, Our World program. The subscription fee is determined annually and is dependent upon the number of organizations who subscribe and the needs for the coming year (in general, the more participants, the lower the subscription fee).
CASQA provides these services, including the development of the in-store education materials (e.g., less-toxic product lists, label files, and active ingredient lists); creation and updates of outreach materials, operation and updates to the OWOW website, participation in trade shows, preparation of an annual report, fulfillment of outreach materials orders, and program management.
Subscription Fees
Subscriptions are available for one organization or multiple organizations joining collectively (areawide memberships).
Phase I Member
One Organization Subscription: $4,100
Multi-Organization Subscription: $8,010
Phase II Member
One Organization Subscription: $1,725
Multi-Organization Subscription: $3,300
3. Implement the Program Locally
After subscribing to the Our Water, Our World program, municipalities individually fund implementation at the local level. Local implementation starts with working with an IPM Advocate to develop a program that fits the needs of the community, including purchasing the in-store educational materials. IPM Advocate contact information is provided by CASQA after municipalities subscribe to OWOW. For in-store educational materials subscribers will coordinate with their IPM Advocate or contact CASQA.
Additional Program Information
Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program
Butte County Public Works
Central Valley Group
City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County
City of Benicia
City of Dixon
City of Merced
City of Rocklin
City of Rohnert Park
City of Petaluma
City of Santa Clarita
City of Woodland
Contra Costa Clean Water Program
County of Santa Barbara
Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District
Napa Countywide Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program
Marin County Stormwater Program
Monterey Regional Stormwater Management Program
Russian River Watershed Association
Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership
Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program
Vallejo Flood and Wastewater District