Programmatic Effectiveness Assessment
With the help of a Proposition 84 stormwater grant* CASQA developed this web portal to help the stormwater community conduct assessments of stormwater program effectiveness. This portal provides a central repository for obtaining guidance, sharing data and information, and obtaining planning and assessment support.
To help CASQA understand how this web portal and our guidance materials are being used, CASQA distributed surveys to municipal stormwater program managers, regulators, and interested third parties. CASQA conducted the initial survey in May 2014 and a follow-up survey in April 2016. Summary of the CASQA EA Web Portal Surveys (PDF)
* Funding for this project has been provided in full or in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the State Water Resources Control Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
A Strategic Approach to Planning for and Assessing the Effectiveness of Stormwater Programs (June 2015)
The Municipal Stormwater Program Effectiveness Assessment Guidance document is an evolving document. As municipalities complete annual program assessments, additional data will become available that will assist in verifying links between program-wide best management practices implementation, pollutant load reduction, and eventual receiving water quality improvements.
Program Effectiveness Assessment and Improvement Plan (PEAIP) Framework (April 2015)
The CASQA PEAIP Framework provides a recommended structure and approach for the PEAIPs that is consistent with the Phase II Permit and the CASQA guidance document, A Strategic Approach to Planning for and Assessing the Effectiveness of Stormwater Programs (February 2015). The Framework is intended to provide statewide consistency for the traditional and non-traditional MS4 PEAIPs and a customizable, user-friendly format for agencies to use as they develop their individual documents. The Framework is also recommended for consideration by Phase I MS4 stormwater programs as they consider effectiveness assessments within the context of their programs.
CASQA conducted a comprehensive review of existing approaches and tools for use in evaluating source contributions (outcome level 4) from key source categories and target audiences. This work effort was coordinated amongst three CASQA subcommittees (Effectiveness Assessment, Best Management Practices, and Watershed and Impaired Waters) and produced a survey summary (Nov 2017) and the Source Contribution Tools and Methodologies Online Database (Mar 2018).
The Effectiveness Assessment Baseline Report: Existing Practices and User Needs (Aug 2014) provides a foundation for this web portal, and is a product of the State Water Resources Control Board’s Proposition 84 stormwater grant.
Find links to key effectiveness assessment presentations from webinars and CASQA meetings.