Stormwater Funding
The Funding Resources section was created to assist member agencies and other California municipalities in navigating the complex landscape of funding stormwater programs and projects. It contains information, links, and references, to guide you in developing sustainable funding for stormwater programs and projects.
As we continue to populate this section, we invite your feedback and recommendations for additional links or resources that should be considered for inclusion. Contact Us
To support the establishment of stormwater management programs and funding of stormwater projects in California through the identification of resources, funding opportunities, and related guidance.
California law poses unique challenges to funding stormwater programs and projects. This overview provides some background on Proposition 218 and the recently passed Senate Bill 231.
Stormwater programs, including operations, maintenance, and regulatory compliance activities, can be supported through a variety of funding sources. Stormwater utility fees and special taxes require voter approval. Other strategies such as developer fees, special financing districts, capital improvement bonds, or realigning duties to other departments can be completed without ballots. This section helps you identify the possibilities.
The creation of a stormwater utility can not only facilitate the collection of fees, but can also be an opportunity for a municipality to better define its stormwater program. This effort will help to better structure internal management practices as well as help the public better understand why stormwater services are important to the community. This section identifies the steps and timelines required for this effort.
Stormwater infrastructure projects require planning and capital investments. Grants, bonds, and loans are traditional sources of funding. Utilities also need to understand how to estimate costs. This section helps in planning future buildout of stormwater systems.
This section presents regional stormwater funding efforts done in both Southern and Northern California citing the funding opportunities and the associated barriers.