Becoming a CASQA-qualified Industrial General Permit (IGP) Trainer of Record (ToR) requires completing a series of steps to ensure you are qualified and prepared to begin training future Qualified Industrial Stormwater Practitioners (QISPs) for the QISP Training Course. Please review the steps below for information on obtaining IGP ToR qualification.
Step 1: Create an Account
To get started, all prospective IGP ToRs must create a CASQA account. After creating a CASQA account, you will be able to complete the qualification steps and manage your qualification. Use the Qualification tab to manage your qualification and track your progress.
Step 2: Review the Request for Qualifications
Each Spring CASQA accepts Statement of Qualifications through a Request for Qualifications. You will find the the Request for Qualifications at the top of this page when it is available. Additionally, availability of the Request for Qualifications are distributed through the CASQA Bi-Weekly Update to CASQA members, to active QISPs through the CASQA Training Program, and California Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists (CBPELSG) that have completed the self-directed training and self-registered as a QISP.
Step 3: Pay the Statement of Qualification Fee and Submit Statement of Qualifications
The Statement of Qualification (SOQ) Fee covers the review and evaluation of the SOQ. For new ToR applicants the submittal fee is $530 and for previously not selected ToR applicants is $280.
The submitted SOQ will be reviewed by the review committee and a recommendation will be made to the CASQA Executive Director. If your SOQ is approved, you will be a candidate ToR and able to complete the qualification process. If your SOQ is not approved, we encourage you to apply again at a discounted rate when you have resolved the deficiencies in your SOQ.
Step 4: Attend Mandatory Orientation Webinar
All candidate ToRs must attend a mandatory orientation webinar. The date and time of the webinar is on the Request for Qualifications and changes each year.
Step 5: Pay Initial IGP Trainer of Record Fee
The initial IGP ToR fee is ($65). The term is valid until June 30th, and must be renewed each year by June 30 or a $25 reinstatement fee will apply.
Step 6: Execute and Maintain Compliance Agreement
All candidate ToRs must enter into an agreement with CASQA outlining the ToRs responsibilities and obligations as a ToR. This agreement is emailed to candidate ToRs for review.
Step 7: Obtain Certificate
After completing the ToR qualification steps above, your certificate of IGP ToR Qualification will be available in the Qualification tab.
After obtaining IGP ToR Qualification, you will have access to IGP ToR resources, including exclusive QISP course materials and the ability to post courses to the training course calendar.